Name: Sharon, San Diego Comments: Helene....I have to say you do absolutely awsome pages. Its apparent the amount of time you put into them. I was looking forward to seeing this winters Hawaii after being so jealous the last 2 months. So glad you all had such a nice time. I just asked your hubby if you went to the black beach in our game but the pics answered that question. Only question I have left is why is green beach called that??? It didnt look green. Keep up the great work and if you are looking for 1 more game let me know. |
Name: Bono, Chandigarh, India Comments: You have created a wonderful site. its a pity I cant chat right now and also I prefer to mail. Please write me on my email. You are very very interesting. I too love to travel and will be in Switzerland in March. I still dont know where you live? Luv Bono |
Name: R. Isherwood, Nokomis, Sk. Canada Comments: Enjoyed visiting your site... |
Name: Bono Comments: keep up the great work! |
Name: Arizona, Houston, Texas Comments: I'm at the tender age of 16, but I hope when I get older, I get to do as much inspiring activities you get to do. Wow, such luck you have! |
Name: Colin McKenna, Vancouver, Canada Comments: I was amazed by your Big Island photos. Looks like you got to see more than I did. I have some pics too: Have a look sometime if you like. :o) |
Name: Michael Cheney, York, U.K. Comments: You have a nice site here - it almost makes me feel like being on holiday just being here! |
Name: Spijder, U.S. Comments: Very nice site, I had a lovely time surfing through it :D |
Name: Mary Raihofer, Albany, N.Y.
Comments: Helen....this has been an absolute delight. I am in awe of your work. It certainly is inspiring to me and gives me some hope that designing a site is a possibility. I love your travels, sample sites, meeting your friends, your art work and just layout of your site. Thank you for a pleasant trip! Mary (Winterwhite) |
Name: Mike, Shreveport, USA Comments: Great site packed with surprises!!! What a talented lady. Loved the art work and the pics. Do you have that number I need for Yahoo? It's the only way I think I can improve my game ;) |
Name: John, Napa, Calif. Comments: Enjoyed your site very much. Excellent design. I see we share a passion for travel. I will soon have a trip report from a week on the "HMS Rose" out of Bristol. RI. Judging from your art, you might be interested. Spent a day in Switzerland during a stay at Lake Como, recently. Beautiful... Fair winds & following seas! |
Name: S. McCallen, U.S.A. Comments: Kudos on a wonderful set-up -- your time and attention to detail have certainly paid off. Your site is aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. Most excellent work. |
Name: Florence Comments: hi! I'm a teenager. I visited your site and thought that it was wonderful! I too enjoy traveling in Europe! Keep up the great work! |
Name: Karl Baer, Switzerland Comments: Hallo Helene Vielen Dank für den Besuch auf meiner Homepage und den netten Eintrag im Gästebuch. Ich habe soeben auch diese Homepage besucht. Mein Kompliment! Viele interessante Seiten und hervorragende Bilder! Herzliche Grüsse aus der Schweiz, Karl |
Name: Robin Edgar, Verdun, Canada Comments: Considering your combined interest in astronomy and archaeology (amongst others!) I think that you will find 'Treasures of Darkness' my new addition to the Eclipse Web Ring to be quite interesting and even inspiring. Best Regards, Robin Edgar |
Name: Daddy Dago aka Freddie, Venice Beach, Ca. Comments: I enjoyed my visit to both your sites I like what you did with them |
Name: John, Canada Comments: Nice page, interesting life |
Name: Lynne Wilburn, Seattle, WA Comments: Love your websites! :-) |
Name: Gwen Szychter, Delta Comments: Since I'm thinking of adding a Guestbook to my site, I thought I'd better be having another look at what you've done. Gave me some good ideas. Thanks, Helene. |
Name: Rick Mellor, Granite City, Illinois Comments: I found your trip to Belize very interesting and exiting . Your Web Page has been , to me , both fasinating and inlighting . Thank you very much ! RVM |
Name: Herbert, Bregenz/Austria Comments: Hallo Helene - Habe im Nachtdienst wieder mal auf Deiner Homepage gestoebert und Dein neues Gaestebuch entdeckt. Ist fuer mich einfach ein Muss, mich darin einzutragen. Es ist einfach schoen zu sehen, dass sich auf Deiner Homepage immer was tut. Schoene Gruesse ueber den großen Teich - Herbert |